Protecting The Rights Of Today's Workers
- Contact Details
Name: Law Office of Michael K Wax, APC
Address: 5333 Mission Center Rd Ste 350
San Diego, CA 92108-1351
About Us

Our Practice Area
Workers' Compensation Law
As part of our firm’s longstanding commitment to the working people of San Diego County, we have attorneys who specialize in the practice of Workers’ Compensation law and a dedicated staff who assist them in their efforts on behalf of injured workers.
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Special penalties apply when an injury results from an employer’s serious and willful misconduct.
An employer also may not discharge or discriminate against an employee who is injured on the job because he or she filed a Workers’ Compensation claim, received a rating, award or settlement of a claim, or testified in another employee’s case. An employer who does so commits a misdemeanor entitling the employee to reinstatement, back pay, and half of the Workers’ Compensation benefits to which he/she is entitled up to $10,000.
When an employer discharges or discriminates against an employee based on his/her work-related injury (regardless of his/her participation in claim proceedings), a civil damage remedy under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act may also be available. See Disability/Pregnancy Discrimination..
We handle Workers’ Compensation cases on a contingency fee basis — meaning that an injured worker does not pay any attorney’s fees unless there is a recovery of money. A judge must approve any attorney’s fees to be paid to the attorney for the injured worker and these attorney’s fee awards are a percentage of the permanent disability recovery or of weekly benefits paid during the injured worker’s participation in vocational rehabilitation services, usually ranging from 12% to 15%.
Consultations, however, are free until a representation agreement is made and a fee Disclosure Statement is reviewed explained and signed by the injured worker. Take advantage of the opportunity for a free consultation to make sure you know your rights and get the benefits you deserve and have earned as a California worker..